martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Steinernema carpocapsae

Steinernema carpocapsae. Nematodos entomopatógenos. The efficacy of this nematode in controlling insects has been . The infective juvenile, which emerges from a depleted . Use to control Armyworm (Pseudaletia unipuncta), Artichoke Plume Moth,. The bacterium colonizes a . GO Associations: GO Associations.

Females: Variable in size, some giant form reaching cm. It is used to control of . They are active at many temperatures but most . This nematode searches for pests found in the root zone or the leaves. Entomopathogenic nematodes. Infective juveniles of a threadworm that parasitises a. Effectively controls the larvae of owlet moths, crane flies and beetles.

Microscopically small worms of the species . Contiene larvas de nematodos. MRwas significantly poorer than that . While their effectiveness in the field has . A survey of dry-pick growers revealed that the nematode does not . Pyralidae, Tipulidae, great pine weevil, some beetle species larva and the larva of . The trap is made of wood with notches milled into it. In theese, there is a gel . Caterpillar Control with Carpocapsae System BC(Million) Larve of certain butterflies and moth attack the foliage and stems of a wide range of plants. Steneinernema carpocapsae está indicado para el control de numerosas especies de coleópteros y lepidópteros, entre los que se encuentra el picudo de la . Bevat larven van nematoden. Après localisation de son hôte, . The most studie available, and versatile of all entomopathogenic nematodes.

Se realizaron pruebas de patogenicidad con diferentes. CARPOCAPSAE, AISLADO EN EL ESTADO DE HIDALGO, MEDIANTE EL CULTIVO. Parasitology 11 591-596.

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